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Friday, July 8, 2011

Birth Documentaries

This past week I've watched two birth documentaries on Netflix.  The first one, The Business of Being Born (BOBB), I've seen before, but it's been a few years.  The second one was Pregnant in America.  I enjoyed both of them quite a bit...maybe BOBB a little more...but I also have an obsession with childbirth that verges on unhealthy!  They are both very pro-homebirth, and some of the things they say are a little...extreme.  But the facts they present are very real and very eye-opening.  I definitely recommend them if you are someone who is still having children.  Even (or should I say "especially"?) if you plan on delivering in a hospital or having an epidural or elective c-section.  This is REAL stuff that your doctors don't tell you.  The truth is scary but it needs to be known.

One of the saddest thing about our society and the childbirth situation in our country is lack of information.  Women don't even know that they have options.  One of my favorite quotes in BOBB is "If you don't know your don't have any."  Educated decisions.  That's the main thing I push.  Obviously I'm a huge advocate of natural childbirth, but if someone decides that an epidural is best for them based on the books they read or classes they took, great!  At least they made an informed decision. 

So anyway...check them out.  Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein (the makers of BOBB) are releasing More Business of Being Born in October.  It's a four part DVD series that continues to explore the modern maternity care.  You can check out descriptions of the different parts HERE

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

I watched The Business of Being Born again a couple days ago as well. It has actually had a big impact on birth already. I wish more women were informed about birth and what it can be. I hope there continues to be positive support for midwives in and out of the hospital.

My first birth (likely an unnecessary c-section) definitely shaped my subsequent births. I wish I knew more then, but I likely still would not know what I know now if I had. I know quite a bit now!

I am looking forward to the new BOBB series.