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Friday, May 28, 2010

Registered for the Workshop!

Last week, while I was in California for a family reunion, I was able to register for my doula training workshop!  It's on June 24-26...allllll day long!  But I'm actually really excited to spend three whole days learning about something that I truly enjoy.  I also ordered some books that I can't wait to read, as well as my DONA certification packet (which I need to have before I attend births).  I have two years from now to finish my certification requirements, or else I have to order a new packet.  I had a Hypnobabies class set up to observe, but the teacher decided she didn't feel comfortable with me observing for some weird reason.  So now I have the extremely difficult task of finding a class to observe (hopefully free) that ends before this baby is born, that hasn't already started yet.  Yay.

I'm also currently reading a book called The Complete Book of Pregnancy and Childbirth.  It's been a hard book to get through, personally, because it covers pregnancy in SO much detail.  This being my third pregnancy...I'm pretty knowledgeable on things, so it's so kinda boring.  It's really great if you've never been pregnant and need a book that encompasses all things pregnancy.  I'm finally getting to the labor and childbirth part, so it's getting more interesting....

I'm so glad to get things rolling!  It actually feels like I'm accomplishing something in my life.  Not that being a mom isn't something to be proud of, but I need something that I want to do.  Something that allows me to have 'me' time.  Until next time!

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